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Morenon valitut teokset / Select bibliography of Moreno’s works selected by Professor Rene F.Marineau (1989)
Moreno wrote over three hundred books and articles, mary of them repeats. An almost complete bibliography can be found in A. Paul Hare (1986) ‘Bibliography of Work of J.L. Moreno’ in Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry 39, (3): 95-128. Moreno published his work anonymously and under various forms of his name, for example Jakob Levy, Jakob Moreno Levy, or J.L. Moreno. The works listed here are the major ones, quoted frequently in the text; less important works referred to are included in the references proper.
J. Levy (1914) Emiodung zu emer Begegnung. ‘left ) (In vitation to an Encounter, Part 1), Vienna/Leipzig: Anzengruber/Verlag Bruder Suschitzky.
Jakob Levy (1915) Emladung zu emer Begegnung, Heft 2 (Invitation to an Encounter, Part 2), Vienna/Leipzig: Anzengruber/Verlag Bruder Suschitzky.
Jakob Levy (1915) Emladung zu ejoer Begegnung. Heft 3 (Invitation to an Encounter, Part 3), Vienna/Leipzig: Anzengruber/Verlag Bruder Suschitzky
Jakob Levy Moreno (19]8) ‘Die Gottheit als Autor’ (‘The Godhead as Author’) in Daimon 1, February, 3-31.
Jakob Moreno Levy (1919) ‘Die Gottheit als Redner’ (‘The Godhead as Orator or Preacher’) in Der Neue Daimon January, 3-18.
Jakob Moreno Levy (1919) ‘Die Gottheit als Komödiantt’ (‘The Godhead as Comedian or Actor’) in Der Neae Daimon January, 48-63.
(anonymous) (1920) Das Testament des Vaters (The Words of the Father), in Die Gefahrten, 3: 1-33. Beriin/Potsdam: Kiepenheuer Verlag.
(anonymous) (1923) Der Konigsroman (The King’s Novel), Berlin/Potsdam: Kiepenheuer Verlag.
(anonymous) (1924) Das Stegrezftheater (The Theatre of Spontaneity), Berlin/Potsdam: Kiepenneuer Verlag.
(anonymous) (1924) ‘Theater ohne Zuschauer’ (‘Theatre without ‘spectators”( in the Catalog Prooramm Almanach prepared for the International Exhibition of New Theatre Techniques, Vienna: Wurthle und Sohn Verlag.This plan for thr theatre stage was prepared by the architect Rudolf Hbnigfeld under Moreno’s supervision.
J.L. Moreno (1 932) in collaboration with E.S. Whitin, Application of the Group Method to Classification, New York: National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; reprinted with additions in 1957 as The First Book on Group Psychotherapy, Beacon: Beacon House.
J.L. Moreno (1934) Who Shall Survive? A New Approach to the Problem of Human Interrelotions, Washington, DC: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Co.; 1953 published in a revised edition with additions, including ‘A prelude to the sociometric movement’, by Beacon House.
(anonymous) (1941), with a preface by J.L. Moreno, The Words of the Father, Beacon: Beacon House. This book is more than a translation of Das Testament des Vaters, since it includes additions, and long philosophical and theological explanations.
J.L. Moreno (1946) Psychodrama, Volume 1, Beacon: Beacon House.
J.L. Moreno (1947) The Theatre of Spontaneity, Beacon: Beacon House.
J . L. Moreno (1950) Sociometry and The Science of Man, Beacon: Beacon House.
J.L. Moreno (1951) Sociometry. Experimental Method and the Science of Society: An Approach to a New Political Orientation, Beacon: Beacon House.
J.L. Moreno (1 955) Preludes to my Autobiography, Beacon: Beacon House.
J.L. Moreno (1959) Psychodrama. Volume 2: Foundations of Psychotherapy, Beacon: Beacon House.
J.L. Moreno (1964) in collaboration with Zerka T. Moreno and Jonathan Moreno, The First Psychodramatic Family, Beacon: Beacon House.
J.L. Moreno (1969) in collaboration with Zerka T. Moreno, Psychodrama. Volume 3: Action Therapy and Principles of Practice, Beacon: Beacon House.
J.L. Moreno (1985) (copyright Zerka T. Moreno and Jonathan D. Moreno) ‘The Autobiography of J.L. Moreno, M.D.’ Moreno Archives, Harvard University, Boston, USA.
From the book Rene F Marineau (1989: “Jacob Levy Moreno 1889-1974 father of psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy” Tavistock/Routledge, London.